Elizabeth Grossman

All Stories by Elizabeth Grossman
- Health & Medicine
How fossil fuel use threatens kids’ health
A children’s health expert says kids suffer more than any other group from the many impacts of fossil fuel burning.
- Science & Society
Warming turns Alaskan villagers into climate migrants
Arctic warming is causing such severe erosion that an Alaskan coastal village has voted to abandon its shrinking island.
- Environment
Laundering clothes may send indoor pollutants outdoors
Clothing absorbs pollutants from indoor air. During washing and drying, the fabric releases those chemicals into the outdoor environment, a new study finds.
- Environment
Something in plastics may be weakening kids’ teeth
The body can confuse some pollutants for a natural hormone. Researchers in France now find such pollutant exposures in childhood may lead cells to make defective tooth enamel.
- Health & Medicine
New study raises questions about cell phone safety
U.S. government study in rats links cell-phone radiation to a small increase in brain cancers and heart tumors. Some scientists now worry about lifetime risks to today’s children and teens.
- Health & Medicine
Heat sickness
Scientists worry that increasing temperatures could combine with air pollution to up rates of illness and premature death — perhaps dramatically.
- Health & Medicine
Eating breakfast — even twice — is truly the healthier choice
Some experts argue that breakfast is the most important meal of the day — especially for keeping school-age kids at a healthy weight.