Materials Science

More Stories in Materials Science

  1. Materials Science

    New lab trick makes diamonds without extreme pressure

    The lab-grown diamonds form in a liquid of gallium, iron, nickel and silicon.

  2. Chemistry

    Experiment: How to make the boldest, brightest tie-dye!

    Clothes are made from a variety of fibers, from natural to synthetic ones. Let’s explore how different fibers react with dyes.

  3. Materials Science

    A bit of electricity can glue hard metals to soft materials

    Using this method to stick and unstick metals from soft materials could one day create new types of batteries.

  4. Materials Science

    Scientists Say: Semiconductor

    Modern electronics, from cell phones to video games, work thanks to these conductor-insulator hybrids.

  5. Chemistry

    Turning jeans blue with sunlight might help the environment

    When dipped in indican and exposed to sunlight, yarn turns a deep blue. This process is more eco-friendly than the current denim dyeing method.

  6. Materials Science

    Scientists Say: 2-D Material

    Two-dimensional materials such as graphene could improve electronics, carbon capture and more.

  7. Materials Science

    Let’s learn about graphene

    Scientists have been trying to understand and harness this material’s superpowers since its discovery in 2004.

  8. Tech

    Balsa wood transistors could usher in ‘greener’ electronics

    Researchers in Sweden coaxed wood to conduct electricity, then used it to make a climate-friendlier building block of electronics.

  9. Chemistry

    Pollution power? A new device turns carbon dioxide into fuel

    Scientists made a device that converts the greenhouse gas into formate. This salt can then run a fuel cell to make electricity.
