
More Stories in Life

  1. Animals

    Metal gives the teeth of Komodo dragons their super strength

    Investigating Komodo dragons' ironclad teeth in greater detail could also help solve a dental mystery in dinosaurs.

  2. Plants

    Many flowers and ferns lure in ants as bodyguards

    With an offer of a nectar meal, ferns and flowering plants have been bribing ants to fend off predatory insects — since before the rise of T. rex.

  3. Genetics

    Scientists Say: Telomere

    These protective caps at the ends of chromosomes play a key role in cell replication.

  4. Animals

    A childhood dog inspired this veterinarian to help others 

    Sunday Agbonika runs the organization Dogalov, which uses animals to help support neurodivergent children in Africa.

  5. Animals

    Freeze-drying turned a woolly mammoth’s DNA into ‘chromoglass’

    The 3-D structure of this now-glassy DNA revealed similarities — and differences — between woolly mammoths and elephants.

  6. Animals

    Balmy ‘saunas’ help frogs fend off a deadly fungus 

    Hanging out in small sun-warmed hideaways could help some frogs resist deadly chytrid fungus, a new study finds.

  7. Fossils

    Stunning trilobite fossils include never-before-seen soft tissues

    Well-preserved fossils from Morocco help reveal the weird way trilobites ate and perhaps why these iconic animals went extinct.

  8. Brain

    Just how brainy was a T. rex?

    A debate rages over how to count brain cells in dinosaurs. At issue: figuring out how these extinct animals’ likely behaved.

  9. Plants

    This squid-like ‘fairy lantern’ plant is new to science

    A newly named species of fairy lantern — a parasitic plant — sports tentacles and grows among leaf litter and rotten logs in Malaysian rainforests.
