Kate Ramsayer

All Stories by Kate Ramsayer
- Animals
Polly shouldn’t get a cracker
When female kakapo parrots go on a diet, they produce fewer male chicks.
- Physics
Earth’s lowly rumble
From rumbling volcanoes to grumbling elephants, scientists are eavesdropping on the lowest sounds on Earth.
- Planets
Chaos Among the Planets
The screwball travels of four giant planets may have reshaped the early solar system.
- Environment
Cleaning up fish farms
Although fish farms can supply lots of food, these operations may also cause pollution and hurt wild populations.
- Environment
Spotty survival
The northern spotted owl faces unpredictable threats and an uncertain future.
- Earth
A volcano wakes up
Earthquakes, small eruptions, and a new lava dome unsettle Mount St. Helens.