Nikk Ogasa is a staff writer who focuses on the physical sciences for Science News, based in Brooklyn, New York. He has a master's degree in geology from McGill University, where he studied how ancient earthquakes helped form large gold deposits. He earned another master's degree in science communication from the University of California, Santa Cruz. His stories have been published in ScienceScientific American, Mongabay and the Mercury News, and he was the summer 2021 science writing intern at Science News.

All Stories by Nikk Ogasa

  1. Plants

    How Romanesco cauliflower grows spiraling fractal cones

    By tweaking just three genes in a common lab plant, scientists have mimicked one of nature’s most impressive mathematical patterns.

  2. Earth

    New beetle species found in fossil poop of this dino relative

    Whole beetles preserved in fossilized reptilian poop suggest that ancient droppings may deserve a closer look.

  3. Fossils

    Dinosaur families appear to have lived in the Arctic year-round

    Fossils of baby dinosaurs in northern Alaska challenge the idea that northern dinosaurs only spent their summers in the high Arctic.