Analyze This!

Exploring science through data, graphs, visualizations and more. 

  1. Oceans

    Analyze This: Shipwrecks provide a home for bottom-dwelling fish

    Fish have found a habitat in a submarine and freighter that sunk to the seafloor during World War II.

  2. Animals

    Analyze This: Ropes restore a gibbon highway through a rainforest

    When endangered Hainan gibbons started making risky leaps across an area mowed down by a landslide, researchers provided them a rope bridge.

  3. Materials Science

    Analyze This: Insect shells could help builders on Mars

    When mixed with rocky soil, a compound called chitin makes a strong material. It could be pulled from the shells of insects used for food.

  4. Environment

    Analyze This: Perfumes from everyday products collect in distant ice

    Common scent-bearing chemicals are trapped in ice cored from Europe’s tallest peak. Dig into the data to find a story behind that pollution.

  5. Animals

    Analyze This: Hurricanes may help lizards evolve better grips

    Lizards have larger toepads in areas that tend to have higher hurricane activity. This suggests high winds select for those that can hang tight.

  6. Animals

    Analyze This: Shimmering colors may help beetles hide

    Delve into data showing how brilliant colors that shift as a viewer — or predator — moves may help iridescent insects blend in.

  7. Animals

    Analyze This: Amphibian populations are on the decline

    The chytrid fungus has been wiping out amphibians around the world. Scientists have tallied up the declines and found that the fungus is responsible for dozens of extinctions.

  8. Materials Science

    Analyze This: Do exotic woods make better guitars?

    When comparing the sound of guitars made from rare and costly woods to those made with common, cheaper alternatives, guitarists couldn’t tell much of a difference.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Analyze This: Most teens have been cyberbullied

    Name-calling was the most common type of six types of cyberbullying that surveyed teens reported.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Analyze This: Most teen girls don’t meet guidelines for daily exercise

    Girls trail boys in the amount of exercise they tend to get each day regardless of race.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Analyze This: A good reason to drive with an adult in the car

    Teens are much safer drivers during their “learner” stage, when there’s an adult in the car. Once they get a license and begin to drive solo, they exhibit more reckless behaviors.

  12. Climate

    Analyze This: How hot will it get?

    Temperatures are rising because of human-caused climate change. But some places will get hot faster than others.
