Getting in Touch with Touch Additional Information

Recommended Web sites:

To learn more about the touch research being conducted at Johns Hopkins University, go to Hopkins University).

Sohn, Emily. 2007. A new touch. Science News for Kids (Feb. 14). Available at

______. 2006. Fingerprint evidence. Science News for Kids (May 3). Available at

______. 2005. Pain expectations. Science News for Kids (Sept. 14). Available at

Webb, Sarah. 2006. Picture the smell. Science News for Kids (Oct. 11). Available at

Books recommended by SearchIt!Science:

[book] Feeling Things— Allan Fowler

Published by Children’s Press/Scholastic, 1991.

You see with your eyes, hear with your ears, smell with your nose, and taste with your tongue. But your sense of touch is special because you can feel things with every part of your body. This beginning reader shows how your sense of touch tells you if something is hard like a rock or as soft as a bird’s feather. It can also make you yell “ouch” when you stub your toe or laugh when your feet are tickled. Color photographs feature kids exploring their own sense of touch. At the end, a picture glossary reviews some of the words in the book. An index is included.

[book] Touch (Explore Your Senses)— Laurence Pringle

Published by Benchmark Books/Marshall Cavendish, 1999.

Imagine what life would be like without your sense of touch. How does your sense of touch work? Learn about the different senses you feel through your skin. What causes goose bumps? How do some animals use whiskers to sense their surroundings? Blind students can read by sensing raised dots with their fingertips. Conduct experiments to test how your sense of touch works. Glossary and index included.

[book] Touching And Feeling (Senses and Sensors)— Alvin Silverstein, Virginia Silverstein, Laura Silverstein Nunn

Published by Twenty-First Century Books/Millbrook Press, 2002.

The main organ for the sense of touch is the skin. Explore how your reflexes protect you from pain. What messages does your “sensing brain” interpret as sensory messages? How does your brain respond to cold, heat, and pain? Learn how touch senses are important to different animals. Explore research by scientists who have developed robotic hands that can teach sign language to the deaf. The book includes photographs, diagrams, sidebars, a glossary, further readings, Internet resources, and an index.

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Power Words

pressure Force that is applied against a gas, liquid, or solid. Pressure is described as the amount of force on an area, such as 10 pounds per square foot.

robotics The scientific study of the design, building, and operation of robots.

sensory Relating to the senses or sense organs. Nerves carry sensory information to the brain from the rest of the body.

temperature 1. A measure of the hotness or coldness of a substance. Temperature is measured in units of a standard scale, such as the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. Unlike heat, temperature does not depend on how much of the substance there is, but how fast the molecules of a substance are moving. 2.A body temperature that is higher than normal; a fever.

virtual reality A computer simulation of something real that allows a person to feel like he or she is part of the simulation. To participate in virtual reality, a person usually wears goggles or a helmet that show an image of a space. The person can then perform actions within that space, and the effects of those actions appear on the inside of the goggles or helmet as they happen.

Copyright © 2002, 2003 Houghton-Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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