On the Trail of America’s Next Top Scientists Additional Information
Information about the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge (DCYSC) can be found at http://www.sciserv.org/dcysc/ (Science Service), and school.discoveryeducation.com/sciencefaircentral/dysc/ (Discovery Channel).
Articles about previous DCYSC events are available at http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/pages/sciencefairzone/dcysc.asp.
For more information about wildfires, go to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildfire (Wikipedia).
To learn more about what a carbon footprint is, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_footprint(Wikipedia).
You can calculate your own impact on the climate with the carbon calculator at www.nature.org/initiatives/climatechange/calculator/ (The Nature Conservancy).
Sohn, Emily. 2006. Disease detectives. Science News for Kids (Nov. 15). Available at http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/2006/11/disease-detectives-3/.
Books recommended by SearchIt!Science:
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Environmental Science: 49 Science Fair Projects — Robert L. Bonnet
Published by TAB Books/McGraw Hill, 1990.
How does a tree recycle itself? Can you really make your own topsoil? And how can you tell if the air inside your house is polluted? You’ll find the answers to such questions as you explore the environment with these science projects. The book begins with a discussion of scientific methods, tips on competing in a science fair, and hints for choosing the right project. The topics include recycling, waste management, pest control, microscopic organisms, habitats, and life cycles. Each of the 49 projects contains an overview, a list of materials needed, easy-to-follow procedures, and suggestions for experimenting further. Black-and-white drawings illustrate some of the steps. An index, a glossary, and a list of resources are included. |
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Environment— Catherine Reed
Published by Rourke Book Co., 1992.
The science fair is just around the corner, and you want to do a project that might contribute to saving our planet. Where do you start? This guide looks at three fundamental areas of environmental science: ecology, which studies how plants, animals, and microorganisms live together; human ecology, or how humans live in the world and change it; and environmental management, which concerns how we can protect our land, water, air, and wildlife while meeting human needs for food, energy, and waste disposal. First, you’ll learn how to choose the right topic and type of project. Will it be an exhibit, a demonstration, or an investigation? Then, you’ll find out how scientific methods can help you explore the environment in a systematic way. Next are tips for planning, completing, and presenting your project effectively. A list of suppliers, a glossary, and an index are included. |
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The Greenhouse Effect: Life on a Warmer Planet — Rebecca L. Johnson
Published by Lerner Publishing, 1993.
The summer of 1988 spelled disaster for American farmers. A devastating drought, the longest in more than 50 years, destroyed their crops and killed their livestock. According to scientists, this drought was probably caused by a warming trend that is the result of the greenhouse effect. In plain language, this book defines the greenhouse effect and explores its major causes—deforestation and human activities that release heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. The book also takes a look at important questions. What effect will global warming have on civilization? What can be done to prevent the warming from continuing? Color photographs, diagrams, an index, and a glossary are included. |
Power Words
carbon dioxide A colorless, odorless gas, CO2, that is present in the atmosphere and is formed when any fuel containing carbon is burned. It is breathed out of an animal’s lungs during respiration, produced by the decay of organic matter, and used by plants in photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is also used in refrigeration, fire extinguishers, and carbonated drinks.
global warming A rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, especially a sustained increase great enough to cause changes in the global climate. Many scientists believe that the Earth has been in a period of global warming for the past century or more, due in part to the increased production of greenhouse gases related to human activity.
greenhouse effect The trapping of the sun’s heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is caused by the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Many scientists believe it is the main cause of global warming.
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