Emily Conover

Physics, Senior Writer, Science News

Physics writer Emily Conover loves physics for its ability to reveal the secret rules about how stuff works, from tiny atoms to the vast cosmos. Before becoming a science journalist, she studied physics at the University of Chicago. There, she investigated the weird ways of tiny particles called neutrinos. She has previously written for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Science Magazine and the American Physical Society. She is a two-time winner of the D.C. Science Writers’ Association Newsbrief award.

All Stories by Emily Conover

  1. Physics

    You can peel permanent marker, intact, off of glass

    The surface tension of water can essentially scrape a thin film of some water-repellent material — such as permanent ink — off of glass.

  2. Physics

    Astronomers finally find the cosmic source of gold and silver

    After a collision between neutron stars is caught rippling spacetime, telescopes home in on where the ripples came from. The afterglow of light they found provided interesting new science.

  3. Physics

    Trio wins physics Nobel for detecting gravity waves

    The 2017 Nobel Prize in physics went to three physicists for helping figure out how to search for ripples in spacetime — which launched a new field of astronomy.

  4. Physics

    The Milky Way galaxy houses 100 million black holes

    Astronomers are estimating the number of black holes in galaxies of all sizes.

  5. Space

    Newfound stars rank as farthest and one of the smallest

    Astronomers have found two stars for the record books — the most distant ever observed and one of the tiniest now known.

  6. Physics

    Gravitational waves detected yet again

    For the third time in 16 months, scientists have announced detection of gravitational waves washing over the spacetime environment in which Earth resides. This seems to show that such waves may not be rare.

  7. Physics

    Single atoms become teensy data storage devices

    Most people consider a thumb drive to be an amazingly small device for storing data. But this new system uses a ten-thousandth the number of atoms of today’s data-storage devices.

  8. Physics

    Star caught passing gas before exploding

    Stars can become unstable as they near death, a new study suggests. Some may even spew gas for a year or so before they explode.

  9. Physics

    Strange X-rays point to possible ‘dark’ matter

    Scientists have been looking for “dark” matter. It’s supposed to make up most of the universe — but it’s also invisible. X-rays may now point to where some of this weird stuff is.

  10. Chemistry

    Scientists claim to have turned hydrogen into a metal

    Most people know hydrogen as a gas. But under high pressure, scientists now think they’ve converted it into a reflective metal. Not everyone is convinced.

  11. Chemistry

    Here’s how hot water might freeze faster than cold

    There’s a new explanation for how hot water freezes faster than cold water. But not everyone agrees it’s right, or that the effect can happen at all.

  12. Physics

    Weird physics warps nearby star’s light

    Scientists have observed a bizarre effect of quantum physics in light coming from a nearby neutron star.