All Stories by Kathryn Hulick
- Tech
A lucky lab accident produces Spider-Man-like silk
Researchers found a way to mimic Spider-Man’s web shooters in real life. This is the first adhesive that can stick to and lift things from a distance.
- Artificial Intelligence
Want your own AI double? There could be big benefits — and risks
People are using AI to mimic their own voice, likeness and personality. Some are excited about these new digital clones. Others worry, what could go wrong?
- Computing
Explainer: What is the internet?
The internet is a massive structure made up of cables, routers, exchange points, data centers, cell towers, antennas and more. All sorts of devices share data using this network.
- Computing
A new frontier awaits — computing with light
Today’s computers process using electrical signals. But light shows promise as a new means of computing, especially for AI.
- Artificial Intelligence
Google now adds watermarks to all its AI-generated content
Google’s AI-created content now hosts an invisible “signature.” A mathematical key can reveal the presence of this digital watermark, called SynthID.
- Artificial Intelligence
Explainer: What is generative AI?
New bots are emerging all the time that can create — at your direction — images, computer code, articles, ads, songs and more.
- Artificial Intelligence
The brain of a tiny worm inspired a new type of AI
A liquid neural network mimics how neurons interact in the brain of a worm. This type of AI can better adapt to new situations.
- Artificial Intelligence
Does AI steal art or help create it? It depends on who you ask
With AI image generators on the scene, artists see both power and peril ahead.
- Artificial Intelligence
AI image generators tend to exaggerate stereotypes
The racism, sexism, ableism and other biases common in bot-made images may lead to harm and discrimination in the real world.
A new test could help weed out AI-generated text
AI text generators can help people cheat and spread false information. A clever yet simple technique may help separate bot-talk from real-talk.
- Artificial Intelligence
How to design artificial intelligence that acts nice — and only nice
Today’s bots can’t turn against us, but they can cause harm. “AI safety” aims to train this tech so it will always be honest, harmless and helpful.
- Artificial Intelligence
‘Jailbreaks’ bring out the evil side of chatbots
Researchers break chatbots in order to fix them. This so-called red-teaming is an important way to improve AI’s behavior.