Lela Nargi

All Stories by Lela Nargi
- Health & Medicine
Taste good? Senses inform the brain — but don’t tell everyone the same thing
Whether something tastes appetizing depends on what a host of different sensory nerves collectively tell the brain. Warning: Sometimes they aren’t dependable — or even truthful.
- Health & Medicine
Explainer: Taste and flavor are not the same
What’s behind a food’s flavor? More than what we taste, it turns out.
- Science & Society
Legalizing pot may confuse teens into thinking it’s safe
A growing number of teens think marijuana is no big deal, a new study finds. And that may encourage many to experiment with its use.
- Health & Medicine
Umbrella’s shade doesn’t prevent sunburn
Sunblock may be sticky and uncomfortable, but it blocked more of the sun's harmful rays than did an umbrella, a new study found.
- Brain
Stuttering: Blood flow in the brain may play a role
A new study shows people who stutter have less blood flow to a language center in the brain known as Broca’s area.
- Health & Medicine
Simpler way to screen for hidden hearing loss?
Many teens today walk around with undiagnosed hearing damage. But some Boston-based researchers have come up with a low-tech approach to screening these individuals so they can get help.
- Health & Medicine
‘Ringing’ in the ears may signal serious ear damage
A persistent ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, has become common in teens — and may point to eventual, permanent hearing loss.
- Materials Science
Nanowires could lead to super-long-lived battery
Scientists have long been looking for ways to make rechargeable batteries that last forever. They now may be close. Their solution: gel-dipped nanowires.