Scientists Say

A weekly word defined, in a sentence and in context.

  1. Physics

    Scientists Say: Polarized light

    Sunlight, lamplight and other lights are usually unpolarized. But passing light waves through filters can ‘polarize’ them.

  2. Life

    Scientists Say: Ichnology

    This field of science looks to understand life — past and present — by studying how organisms altered their surroundings.

  3. Physics

    Scientists Say: Coriolis Effect

    Because Earth spins, airborne objects traveling far and fast — such as airplanes — experience deflections in their motion.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Calorie

    These little units help us measure energy transfer in chemistry, nutrition and beyond.

  5. Physics

    Scientists Say: Muon

    Tracking muons raining down on Earth can reveal new details of pyramids, volcanoes and thunderstorms.

  6. Animals

    Scientists Say: Camouflage

    Plants and animals alike hide in plain sight using this sneaky strategy.

  7. Math

    Scientists Say: Prime number

    Prime numbers’ unique quality — being divisible only by themselves and one — makes them useful for encrypting secret information.

  8. Plants

    Scientists Say: Fertilize

    This word describes both a stage of sexual reproduction and the agricultural practice of adding nutrients to soil.

  9. Brain

    Scientists Say: Deep brain stimulation

    Through wires implanted in a person’s brain, this medical treatment can help treat various conditions.

  10. Humans

    Scientists Say: Prehistoric

    Researchers rely on prehistoric tools and other artifacts to study the vast stretches of time before recorded history.

  11. Physics

    Scientists Say: Gamma ray

    Lightning bolts, nuclear explosions, colliding stars and black holes all throw off this high-energy type of light.

  12. Animals

    Scientists Say: Vertebrate

    Animals with spines, or vertebrates, come in all shapes and sizes.
