Scientists Say

A weekly word defined, in a sentence and in context.

  1. Tech

    Scientists Say: Digital Footprint

    Your digital footprint contains both what you post online — and information about your online activity collected by others.

  2. Earth

    Scientists Say: Supercontinent

    These gigantic landmasses form when much of Earth’s landmass smashes together.

  3. Space

    Scientists Say: Corona

    The sun’s corona can only be seen without special instruments during a total solar eclipse.

  4. Tech

    Scientists Say: Bionic

    This type of technology combines natural and synthetic systems. It can restore lost vision and mobility and even grant cells new abilities.

  5. Animals

    Scientists Say: Megalodon

    The extinct megalodon (Otodus megalodon) was the largest shark to ever prowl the oceans.

  6. Environment

    Scientists Say: Carbon capture

    Carbon capture technology tackles climate change by stomping out carbon dioxide at the source.

  7. Brain

    Scientists Say: Confirmation Bias

    Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out and believe information that agrees with what we already think.

  8. Science & Society

    Scientists Say: Model

    Models are representations of real-life systems or processes that we use to ask questions, make predictions and test our knowledge.

  9. Space

    Scientists Say: Solar Cycle

    This roughly 11-year cycle in the sun’s activity can affect space weather that messes with Earthly technology.

  10. Plants

    Scientists Say: Marcescence

    Autumn turns to winter, yet some trees' dead leaves keep hanging on.

  11. Materials Science

    Scientists Say: 2-D Material

    Two-dimensional materials such as graphene could improve electronics, carbon capture and more.

  12. Life

    Scientists Say: Protist

    Unified by a few key traits, these diverse organisms come in all shapes and sizes.
