Kathryn Hulick

Freelance Writer

Kathryn Hulick is a freelance science journalist and author. Her book Welcome to the Future: Robot Friends, Fusion Energy, Pet Dinosaurs and More explores how technology could change the world in the future. Strange But True: 10 of the World's Greatest Mysteries Explained reveals the real science behind paranormal mysteries, including ghosts, aliens and sea monsters. Hulick also writes regularly for Science News Explores, Muse magazine and Front Vision magazine. Her favorite part of writing about science is getting to speak with researchers in many different fields. She especially loves learning about plants and animals, artificial intelligence, outer space, new energy sources and robots. Once, she spoke with an expert on parallel universes while he was shoveling snow from his driveway. Hulick lives in Massachusetts with her family and many house plants. She enjoys hiking and exploring nature as well as drawing and painting.

All Stories by Kathryn Hulick

  1. Plants

    Silk-based microneedles may help treat diseased plants

    Engineers have invented silk microneedles to inject medicines into plants. One day farmers might use drones to dart their sick plants with meds from the air.

  2. Health & Medicine

    The science of ghosts

    One in five Americans say they’ve encountered a ghost. But science has no evidence that ghosts are real. Here are more likely explanations.

  3. Agriculture

    As infections ravage food crops, scientists fight back

    Diseases threaten important food crops like cocoa beans, wheat and citrus. Scientists are working to understand these infections — and fight back.

  4. Science & Society

    You can fight back against cyberattacks

    Cyberattacks have cut power to a major city and delayed the delivery of medicine. Find out how experts combat such attacks and how to protect yourself.

  5. Space

    On the lookout for micro-missiles from space

    Speeding specks of space dust can damage spacecraft. But if they make it to Earth, these tiny rocks can offer lessons on how the solar system formed.

  6. Physics

    Wireless devices crowd out cosmic radio signals and more

    Cell phones and other devices emit radio waves that can interfere with important scientific research. That’s why researchers are seeking ways to share the radio spectrum.

  7. Brain

    Cool Jobs: Decoding how your brain ‘reads’

    For some stroke victims and people with dyslexia, reading is nearly impossible. These researchers are working to understand why.

  8. Health & Medicine

    New treatment could calm temperature-sensitive teeth

    Dentists aren’t happy with today’s treatments for sensitive teeth. Sand-like nanoparticles carrying green tea extract could bring longer pain relief.

  9. Tech

    This robot won’t trip people up

    New robots can follow the social rules of moving through a crowd, such as keeping to the right and passing on the left.

  10. Microbes

    Sweat-slurping ‘aliens’ live on your skin

    Archaea are famous for living in extreme environments. Now scientists find they also inhabit skin, where they seem to enjoy sweat.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Good germs lurk in gross places

    What do poop, dog drool and snot have in common? Though disgusting, they all carry microbes that can help keep people healthy.

  12. Computing

    Video games level up life skills

    A new study shows that playing video games can sharpen important life skills, including communication, adaptability and resourcefulness.