- Animals
Python Hearts Pump Up
A Burmese python can increase the size of its heart by 40 percent in just two days.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Sleep Affects a Bird’s Singing
Young birds sing badly in the morning but do much better later in the day.
By Emily Sohn -
- Animals
Stunts for High-Diving Ants
When some tree-dwelling ants fall out of their homes, they often control the direction of their tumbles.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Insects Take a Breather
Many types of insects appear to control how much oxygen they take in.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Tool use comes naturally to crows
Certain crows appear to be born with an instinct to make and use tools.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Geckos’ Sticky Feet Clean Themselves
Tiny hairs on gecko toes can stay nearly dirtfree, helping the lizards cling to ceilings.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
A fallout feast for crabs
Crabs can take advantage of hot, toxic plumes from undersea vents to feed on poisoned plankton.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Blotchy face, big-time wasp
If paper wasps pretend to be something they're not, their peers get angry.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Gecko night vision
Certain geckos can tell colors apart even in dim moonlight.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Toxic Birds May Get Poison from Beetles
Eating certain beetles may make the skin and feathers of some birds poisonous.
By Emily Sohn - Animals
Growing up in dangerous waters
Wild guppies that live in dangerous places don't live fast and die young as scientists previously thought.
By Emily Sohn