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Digging into a tsunami disaster
A powerful earthquake under the Indian Ocean changed Earth's surface and spin.
By Emily Sohn -
Geckos’ Sticky Feet Clean Themselves
Tiny hairs on gecko toes can stay nearly dirtfree, helping the lizards cling to ceilings.
By Emily Sohn -
Riding Sunlight
A solar sail spacecraft relies on sunlight instead of wind to cruise through space.
By Emily Sohn -
A fallout feast for crabs
Crabs can take advantage of hot, toxic plumes from undersea vents to feed on poisoned plankton.
By Emily Sohn -
Blotchy face, big-time wasp
If paper wasps pretend to be something they're not, their peers get angry.
By Emily Sohn -
Swedish Rhapsody
Celebrations honoring the world's top scientists brought students from many countries to Sweden to tour, learn, talk, and party.
By Emily Sohn -
The birds are falling
The disappearance of many birds could harm ecosystems that depend on them.
By Emily Sohn -
Ancient heights
Leaf fossils can help track the rise and fall of mountain ranges.
By Emily Sohn -
A volcano wakes up
Earthquakes, small eruptions, and a new lava dome unsettle Mount St. Helens.
Decoding a beverage jar
Ancient pottery provides hints of the world's oldest known wine.
Crime lab
From accidents to crime scenes, scientists are helping detectives solve mysteries.
By Emily Sohn