
  1. Environment

    ‘Greener’ energy needed now, group warns

    To avoid a looming environmental crisis brought on by global warming, people need to rely more on renewable energy sources. And fast. Without quick action, the world may face a harsh future, warns the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

  2. Animals

    When a species can’t stand the heat

    When temperatures rise, New Zealand’s tuatara produce more males. With global warming, that could leave the ancient reptile species with too few females to avoid going extinct.

  3. Animals

    Kangaroos have ‘green’ farts

    The farts and belches of these animals contain less methane than do those from other big grass grazers. Microbes in their digestive tract appear to explain the ‘roos lower production of this greenhouse gas, a new study finds.

  4. Microbes

    Arctic thaw is spreading wildlife diseases

    Polar animals are encountering new, killer parasites as melting ice unlocks their access to new hosts.

  5. Environment

    Does lightning sculpt mountains?

    A new study sparks debate about how much rubble on a mountainside has been blasted loose by powerful bolts from the sky.

  6. Climate

    Mapping our carbon footprints

    Population density can determine how much of an impact modern communities have on the climate.

  7. Climate

    The certainty of climate change

    How sure are scientists that people are to blame for global warming? “Extremely likely,” says an international panel of climate change researchers in a new report.

  8. Climate

    Climate change: The long reach

    Scientists who study the environment to better gauge Earth’s future climate now argue that current changes may not reverse for a very long time.

  9. Earth

    Nature’s coast guards

    Barrier islands aren’t just for beach vacations — they protect coasts from storms and flooding.

  10. Climate

    Tornado caught storm chasers

    On May 31, 55-year-old Tim Samaras died chasing tornadoes.

  11. Climate

    Major twister hits Oklahoma

    Its speed, which largely determines the damage it causes, is still unknown.

  12. Climate

    Explainer: Why a tornado forms

    Tornadoes start with a thunderstorm. But they also require other ingredients, such as instability.
