
  1. Health & Medicine

    Kids with ‘adult’ problems

    Nationwide survey shows that children are headed toward serious health problems related to excess weight.

  2. Brain

    Sweets on the brain

    Sugar-free sweeteners fool the body’s internal computer.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Paralyzed rats walk again

    Treatment helps animals recover from spinal cord injuries.

  4. Animals

    Baboons detect bogus words

    Some monkeys know a real word when they see it.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Switching cough off

    Researchers find possible solution to the nagging problem of how to curb a cough.

  6. Archaeology

    Hobbits: Our tiny cousins

    Skeletal remains of ancient human relatives found in Indonesia are challenging some long-accepted “truths” about human evolution.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Meat from scratch

    Scientists are working to produce meat without killing animals.

  8. Fossils

    Old relative steps down

    Ancient human ancestor climbed trees but also walked clumsily upright on the ground.

  9. Humans

    Becoming human

    Two new studies suggest that during ice ages, steep drops in temperature may have sent ancient species moving to more temperate, or mild, areas. As a result, these species would have been isolated from other populations.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Losing control over sugar

    A common pollutant and sweetener mess with important hormones.

  11. Brain

    Lip-reading babies

    Before they start talking, babbling babies ‘read’ mouths.

  12. Environment

    ‘Nonstick’ chemicals may undercut value of vaccinations

    Chemicals used to make fabrics stain resistant and pans stick resistant are showing up everywhere — including in kids. One big downside: New data show they can keep vaccines from working well.
