
More Stories in Life

  1. Brain

    Herbal medicine could help recovery after concussion

    A finalist at Regeneron ISEF found that a plant native to China could supplement a common pain reliever that comes with unwanted side effects.

  2. Animals

    Elusive worm-lizards sport weird, spooky skulls

    CT scans of these mysterious creatures turned up bizarre internal features. They could offer clues about amphisbaenians’ largely unknown behavior.

  3. Genetics

    Scientists Say: Genetic Engineering

    Genetic engineering involves adding, changing or removing certain pieces of DNA from a living thing to give it desired traits.

  4. Animals

    Dancing spiders inspired this biologist to teach others

    Inspired by his research in animal communication, Echeverri began exploring ways to teach others about science while finishing his Ph.D. Today, he shares his passion for spiders as a science communicator.

  5. Chemistry

    Air pollution can make it harder for pollinators to find flowers

    Pollutants that build up in night air can break down the scents that attract pollinating hawkmoths to primrose blooms, disrupting their pollination.

  6. Animals

    This egg-laying amphibian feeds its babies ‘milk’

    Similar to mammals, this caecilian — an egg-laying amphibian — makes a nutrient-rich, milk-like fluid to feed its babies up to six times a day.

  7. Animals

    Among mammals, males aren’t usually bigger than females

    In a study of more than 400 mammal species, less than half have males that are heavier than females.

  8. Health & Medicine

    A new type of immune cell may cause lifelong allergies

    These special memory cells were present in people with allergies and absent in those without.

  9. Microbes

    What the weird world of protists can teach us about life on Earth

    Microbes vastly outnumber multicellular life on Earth. A close-up look at protists highlights how much we don't know about the microscopic world.
