
  1. Planets

    Witnessing a Rare Venus Eclipse

    On June 8, Venus will cross in front of the sun for the first time since 1882.

  2. Planets

    Search for a Missing Moon

    Sedna, the most distant object known in the solar system, doesn't appear to have a moon.

  3. Planets

    Planets on the Edge

    The discovery of a strange, planetlike object beyond Pluto adds to the puzzle of how the solar system formed.

  4. Planets

    Rover Makes Splash on Mars

    A robot on Mars has gathered evidence that liquid water once flowed on the Red Planet.

  5. Planets

    Roving the Red Planet

    Two little robots have touched down on Mars, ready to study the planet's rocks and soil.

  6. Planets

    Catching a Comet’s Tail

    A closeup visit by a NASA spacecraft helps show how a comet gets its shape.

  7. Earth

    Killer space rock snuffed out ancient life

    Rock fragments from Antarctica suggest a huge meteor struck Earth 250 million years ago.

  8. Planets

    A planet from the early universe

    Astronomers have found the oldest and most distant planet known in the universe.

  9. Planets

    Melting Snow on Mars

    Melting blankets of snow may have carved out Martian gullies.

  10. Planets

    A planet’s slim-fast plan

    A planet orbiting very close to its sun can quickly lose weight.
