
  1. Tech

    Extra Strings for New Sounds

    A new musical instrument strums like a guitar but rings like a bell.

  2. Tech

    Snow Traps

    A prize-winning science fair project focuses on how snow fences create snowdrifts and increase water supply.

  3. Tech

    Squeezing Oil from Old Wells

    Adding certain bacteria to oil wells may allow recovery of crude oil that pumps can't normally extract.

  4. Tech

    Shape Shifting

    A futuristic technology aims to have a pile of tiny, robotic beads arrange itself into different shapes.

  5. Tech

    Dancing with Robots

    Ingenuity and creativity highlight a contest in which student-built robots play soccer, dance, or go on a rescue mission.

  6. Tech

    Fingerprint evidence

    Identifying fingerprints may have a role not just in solving crimes but also in everyday life.

  7. Tech

    Switchable Lenses Improve Vision

    Special lenses that automatically focus can help people wearing eyeglasses see more clearly.

  8. Tech

    Microbes at the Gas Pump

    Bacteria and other organisms can turn waste plant material into fuel for cars.

  9. Tech

    A satellite of your own

    Some kids are getting a chance to design, build, and launch an Earth-orbiting satellite.

  10. Computing

    Programming with Alice

    Creating animated movies provides a fun way to learn how to program a computer.

  11. Tech

    Beyond bar codes

    A new tracking technology uses plastic tags that pick up and respond to radio waves.

  12. Tech

    Smart Windows

    High-tech windows can change from clear to dark and back again at the touch of a button.
