All Stories

  1. Plants

    How a Venus Flytrap Snaps Shut

    A Venus flytrap stores energy to allow its hinged leaves to snap shut quickly.

  2. Space

    Black hole journey

    Research on weird, invisible objects called black holes might help explain how the universe began.

  3. Planets

    Unveiling Titan

    A space probe that landed on Saturn's frigid moon Titan found a landscape that looks a lot like Earth.

  4. Tech

    Musclebots Take Some Steps

    Researchers have let loose scores of walking micromachines made from heart muscle.

  5. Environment

    The wolf and the cow

    Can livestock and predators share the same land?

  6. Fossils

    Dino takeout for mammals

    Ancient mammals dined on young dinosaurs.

  7. Animals

    Tool use comes naturally to crows

    Certain crows appear to be born with an instinct to make and use tools.

  8. Earth

    Wave of destruction

    The recent Indian Ocean tsunami was one of the most deadly and destructive natural disasters in modern times.

  9. Earth

    Digging into a tsunami disaster

    A powerful earthquake under the Indian Ocean changed Earth's surface and spin.

  10. Animals

    Geckos’ Sticky Feet Clean Themselves

    Tiny hairs on gecko toes can stay nearly dirtfree, helping the lizards cling to ceilings.

  11. Tech

    Riding Sunlight

    A solar sail spacecraft relies on sunlight instead of wind to cruise through space.

  12. Animals

    A fallout feast for crabs

    Crabs can take advantage of hot, toxic plumes from undersea vents to feed on poisoned plankton.
