Roberta Kwok

All Stories by Roberta Kwok

  1. Animals

    Close cousins

    Chimps and bonobos are humans’ nearest living relatives.

  2. Animals

    Alien carp leap onto the scene

    Last summer, Alison Coulter got a big surprise as she piloted a boat along the Wabash River in Indiana. Startled by her boat’s motor, a 60-centimeter (24-inch) carp leaped out of the river. In some cases, jumping Asian carp have broken a boater’s nose, jaw or arm.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Wanted: ‘Smart’ cleaners

    Active surfaces will — on their own — help remove everything from insects and germs to poisons.

  4. Animals

    This shrimp packs a punch

    Researchers learn a lot from mantis shrimp, colorful marine creatures that possess deadly weapons and complex vision

  5. Animals

    Cool Jobs: Delving into dung

    Scientists uncover fascinating secrets through the study of animal feces.

  6. Chemistry

    Secret signals

    Animals respond to chemical messages they may not even realize they’re swapping

  7. Animals

    When the nose no longer knows

    Pollution can endanger aquatic animals by damaging their sense of smell.

  8. Animals

    Monkeys’ mistake detector

    Specific brain cells in macaques respond to fellow animal’s error.

  9. Genetics

    DNA hints at ancient cousins

    Scientists find evidence of an extinct humanlike species within modern-day Africans.

  10. Climate

    Iron versus climate change

    Metal deposits can promote the growth of ocean algae that gobble greenhouse gas.

  11. Climate

    Weird weather

    Global warming helped trigger heat waves and droughts last year.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Tomatoes’ tasteless green gene

    The tomatoes your great-grandparents ate probably tasted little like the ones you eat today. The fruit used to have more flavor. A lot more flavor. In fact, tomatoes “were once so flavorful that you could take one in your hand and eat it straight away just like we regularly eat apples or peaches,” according to plant scientist Alan Bennett. He belongs to a team of international scientists who now think they know one reason why the fruit has lost so much flavor. Although some unripe tomatoes have a dark green patch near the stem, farmers prefer that their unripe tomatoes are the same shade of green all over. The consistent coloring makes it easier for them to know when the fruit should be picked.