
  1. Physics

    Scientists used lasers to make ‘smoke rings’ of light

    Physicists had a bright idea: Make light into swirling, ring-shaped vortices, similar to smoke rings or bubble rings.

  2. Tech

    You might someday ‘wallpaper’ your bedroom with this loudspeaker

    This thin, flexible and lightweight loudspeaker could reduce noise in loud spaces. It also might enable listeners to experience sound in new ways.

  3. Physics

    When dominoes fall, how fast the row topples depends on friction

    Two types of friction help determine how quickly a line of dominoes collapses, computer modeling shows.

  4. Planets

    Noises sound totally different on Mars than on Earth. Here’s why

    The Perseverance rover recorded the sound of laser pulses on Mars. Scientists used those recordings to determine the Martian speeds of sound.

  5. Materials Science

    Let’s learn about diamond

    Diamond is born under extreme heat and pressure inside Earth and elsewhere in the universe.

  6. Physics

    Scientists Say: Inertia

    Inertia is the tendency of objects to resist changes in their motion.

  7. Physics

    A new clock shows how gravity warps time — even over tiny distances

    This clock measured how gravity changes the passage of time in different places — even spots just one millimeter apart.

  8. Materials Science

    Scientists Say: Silicone

    Silicone is a generic term for a whole slew of humanmade polymers with many different forms and applications.

  9. Space

    A star called ‘Earendel’ could be the most distant ever seen

    A thin red arc found in an image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows starlight from nearly 13 billion years ago.

  10. Physics

    Muons reveal the inner worlds of pyramids, volcanoes and more

    Tracking these subatomic particles can uncover surprising hidden structures.

  11. Space

    Gravitational waves ‘kicked’ a newborn black hole across space

    Two black holes merged into one, and then sped off at around 5 million kilometers (3.1 million miles) per hour.

  12. Space

    Some of the sun’s iconic coronal loops may be ghostly illusions

    Wrinkles in the sun’s outer atmosphere might trick the eye into seeing glowing arches, scientists now report.
