
  1. Physics

    Powering ball lightning

    A new study might help explain what fuels bouncing balls of fire that occasionally form in nature.

  2. Physics

    Diamond glow

    Rare diamonds that glow in the dark may help scientists distinguish real gems from fake ones.

  3. Physics

    Explainer: How a synchrotron works

    Giant magnets direct superfast light into beams up to 30 million times as bright as those produced by a laser pointer.

  4. Tech

    Big Machine Reveals Small Worlds

    A football-field-sized machine is giving researchers insight into medicine, forensics, and even chocolate.

  5. Physics

    Road bumps

    Scientists have discovered why dirt roads develop ridges that make for a bumpy ride.

  6. Animals

    Cacophony acoustics

    How do frogs hear each other in a noisy pond? Just the way we would, as it turns out.

  7. Tech

    A New Basketball Gets Slick

    Sweat seems to make a new basketball for professional players more slippery.

  8. Tech

    Space umbrellas to shield Earth

    A swarm of small spacecraft could help protect Earth from the sun's rays.

  9. Tech

    Switchable Lenses Improve Vision

    Special lenses that automatically focus can help people wearing eyeglasses see more clearly.

  10. Physics

    Snowflakes and avalanches

    To protect people from avalanches, researchers are taking a close look at snowflakes and the snowpack.

  11. Physics

    A butterfly’s electric glow

    The brilliant color of some butterfly wings comes from tiny scales that absorb and give off light in a special way.

  12. Physics

    Earth’s lowly rumble

    From rumbling volcanoes to grumbling elephants, scientists are eavesdropping on the lowest sounds on Earth.
