Science & Society

  1. Humans

    Common high-school textbooks promote unscientific views on gender

    Inaccurate descriptions of sex and gender may lead to sexism or prejudice toward people who don’t seem to represent gender norms.

  2. Tech

    This computer scientist is making virtual reality safer

    Niall Williams creates algorithms that lowers the odds of motion sickness and bumping into obstacles while using virtual reality headsets.

  3. Math

    Scientists Say: Correlation and Causation

    There is a correlation between countries where people eat more chocolate and those that produce more Nobel Prize winners. But beware assuming that one variable causes the other.

  4. Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence is making it hard to tell truth from fiction

    Experts worry that by making it harder to tell what’s true, AI can threaten people’s reputations, health, fair elections and more.

  5. Earth

    Earthquake sensor: Taylor Swift fans ‘Shake It Off’

    Scientists determined dancing fans were behind the seismic waves recorded during Swift’s August concerts.

  6. Math

    Cake-cutting math offers lessons that go far beyond dessert plates

    As a way to study how to fairly share a limited resource, cake-cutting can inform splitting up chores, drawing fair voting districts and more.

  7. Artificial Intelligence

    Here’s why AI like ChatGPT probably won’t reach humanlike understanding

    Unlike people, this type of artificial intelligence isn’t good at learning concepts that it can apply to new situations.

  8. Animals

    Dancing spiders inspired this biologist to teach others

    Inspired by his research in animal communication, Echeverri began exploring ways to teach others about science while finishing his Ph.D. Today, he shares his passion for spiders as a science communicator.

  9. Humans

    Let’s learn about fingerprints

    Researchers are still making new discoveries about how our fingerprints form — and how to use them to solve crimes.

  10. Tech

    Scientists Say: Digital Footprint

    Your digital footprint contains both what you post online — and information about your online activity collected by others.

  11. Artificial Intelligence

    How to design artificial intelligence that acts nice — and only nice

    Today’s bots can’t turn against us, but they can cause harm. “AI safety” aims to train this tech so it will always be honest, harmless and helpful.

  12. Artificial Intelligence

    ‘Jailbreaks’ bring out the evil side of chatbots

    Researchers break chatbots in order to fix them. This so-called red-teaming is an important way to improve AI’s behavior.
