All Stories

  1. Health & Medicine

    Keeping Bugs Away from Food

    Cardboard containers coated with citronella oil keep bugs away.

  2. Humans

    An ancient childhood

    Knowing what the lives of children were like long ago can help us understand how cultures and societies change.

  3. Animals

    A Jellyfish’s Blurry View

    Some types of jellyfish have great eyes that can't focus.

  4. Tech

    Machine Copy

    A simple robot builds a copy of itself block by block.

  5. Space

    Killers from Outer Space

    A newly revised scale rates the risk that an asteroid may crash into Earth and wipe out life as we know it.

  6. Animals

    Glimpses of a Legendary Woodpecker

    Long feared extinct, the ivory-billed woodpecker has been spotted in Arkansas.

  7. Environment

    Cleaning up fish farms

    Although fish farms can supply lots of food, these operations may also cause pollution and hurt wild populations.

  8. Animals

    Awake at Night

    Mutant fruit flies can get by with less sleep than these insects normally need.

  9. Planets

    Solving a Sedna Mystery

    Astronomers are learning more about the most-remote object known in the solar system.

  10. Chemistry

    Popping to Perfection

    Scientists have uncovered why some popcorn kernels stay unpopped in the microwave.

  11. Animals

    Putting a Mouse on Pause

    A gas known as hydrogen sulfide can put mice into a state resembling hibernation.

  12. Brain

    Lightening your mood

    Bright light may help some people who are seriously depressed feel better.
