
Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis.

  1. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: What is sickle cell disease?

    Gene mutations can alter an individual’s hemoglobin in ways that curl their blood cells. This can cause painful sickle cell disease.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: The body’s immune system

    An army of cells — and their protein arsenal — work to keep us safe. Several squads of special forces possess unique superpowers to disable or kill intruders.

  3. Animals

    La nutria soporta el frío, sin un cuerpo grande ni capa de grasa

    Al mamífero más pequeño del mar no le es fácil mantenerse caliente. Ahora, los científicos han descubierto cómo sus células responden al desafío.

  4. Animals

    Living mysteries: Why teeny-weeny tardigrades are tough as nails

    Tardigrades often live in cool, damp moss. Their cushy life has somehow prepared them to survive the lethal radiation of outer space.

  5. Life

    In blazing heat, some plants open leaf pores — and risk death

    When heat waves and droughts collide, water is precious. Some thirsty plants try to cool off by opening tiny pores — only to lose water even faster.

  6. Animals

    As the tropics warm, some birds are shrinking

    Migratory birds are getting smaller as temperatures climb, studies had showed. New evidence shows dozens of tropical, nonmigratory species are, too.

  7. Ecosystems

    Secret forest fungi partner with plants — and help the climate

    Forest fungi are far more than mere mushrooms. They explore. They move nutrients and messages between plants. They can even help fight climate change.

  8. Animals

    Here’s how sea otters stay warm without blubber or a large body

    For the smallest mammal in the ocean, staying warm is tough. Now, scientists have figured out how the animals’ cells rise to the challenge.

  9. Animals

    Most species of beetles pee differently than other insects

    Scientists uncover their unique system for balancing ions and water. The findings may hint at why beetles are the most diverse animals on Earth.

  10. Animals

    Changing people’s behavior can make bear life better

    Black bears don’t always live life on the wild side. More and more, they live near people. Here’s how people and bears can get along.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Some young adults will volunteer to get COVID-19 for science

    Researchers will soon give some healthy people the new coronavirus. Their young volunteers have agreed to get sick to speed coronavirus research.

  12. Space

    Space travel may harm health by damaging cells’ powerhouses

    Biochemical changes after going to space suggest that harm to cells’ energy-producing structures, called mitochondria, could explain astronauts’ health issues.
