
Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.

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  2. Planets

    Research on exoplanets took top award at 2023 Regeneron ISEF

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  3. Animals

    These beetles ‘drink’ water using their butts

    Red flour beetles can survive in very dry environments. New research shows how the beetles can suck water from the air using their rear ends.

  4. Animals

    Sleeping glass frogs go into stealth mode by hiding red blood cells

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  5. Health & Medicine

    How to be heat-safe when playing sports

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  6. These lemurs take nose-picking to a new level

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  7. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Kidney

    The kidneys remove waste and excess water from the blood, forming urine.

  8. Health & Medicine

    New brain scans may show if a concussion has not yet healed

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  9. Materials Science

    Analyze This: Algae behind blue-glowing waves light up a new device

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