
  1. Climate

    Analyze This: Climate change could make food less healthy

    Levels of important nutrients are lower in crops exposed to high levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. How high? Try levels expected to be typical 30 years from now.

  2. Physics

    Explainer: What is thundersnow?

    Wacky weather produced lots of thundersnow during New England’s recent winter storms. Some scientists now suspect Mother Nature got some human help.

  3. Climate

    Super-tiny pollutants may help fire up fierce storms

    Tiny pollutant particles floating in air may help create clouds and wind, strengthening storms.

  4. Animals

    Rising carbon dioxide could leave tiny lake dwellers defenseless

    Rising carbon dioxide in freshwater lakes may change how predators and prey interact.

  5. Climate

    Climate change threatens future Winter Olympics

    Higher temperatures, less snow mean many former Winter Olympics sites soon will no longer qualify to host future games, concludes a new analysis.

  6. Climate

    A meteor explodes over Michigan

    Here’s how scientists tracked down the source of a heavenly explosion over rural Michigan, last week.

  7. Physics

    Explainer: Winds and where they come from

    Temperature and pressure are critical factors affecting why the wind blows where it does. Understanding the nature of wind can teach us a lot about weather.

  8. Climate

    Scientists at last link some extreme weather to human activities

    Scientists say that research shows several of 2016’s extreme weather events would never have happened without the help of human-caused climate change.

  9. Climate

    Wacky winter dumps snow on every single U.S. state

    Here’s a look at the meteorology behind the unusual winter weather that hit the United States in late 2017 and early 2018.

  10. Earth

    Giant volcanoes lurk beneath Antarctic ice

    One of the largest volcanic areas on Earth was recently discovered hiding beneath West Antarctic’s ice sheet. What does it spell for the future of that ice?

  11. Ecosystems

    Here’s why scientists have been fertilizing the Arctic

    For more than 30 years, scientists have been fertilizing small parcels of Arctic tundra. Here’s what happens when you push an ecosystem to the brink.

  12. Climate

    Revisit 2017’s most important stories

    The year was full of major scientific events and discoveries, from the finding of a new continent to a solar eclipse witnessed by millions.
