
  1. Earth

    Earthquakes upped the death toll at Pompeii

    Broken bodies found at a house in Pompeii suggest that earthquakes played a role in the legendary tragedy.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Why you shouldn’t just brush off dandruff

    Research points to certain yeast and bacteria as culprits behind some dandruff. Special shampoos or prescription cleansers can help.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Science works to demystify hair and help it behave

    Research explores new ways to classify hair — from loose curls to tight coils — along with ways to control it and improve its looks and health.

  4. Brain

    Why we aren’t really ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’

    The idea that we use different sides of the brains to be creative or logical is popular — but it’s not supported by science. Here’s why.

  5. Archaeology

    An Egyptian mummy’s silent ‘scream’ hints at her violent death

    A rare muscle stiffening known as a cadaveric spasm might explain the mummy’s open-mouthed expression.

  6. Science & Society

    Scientists Say: Dialect

    Different dialects of the same language have distinct words, pronunciations and sentence structures.

  7. Psychology

    Struggling to find happiness? Here are some paths to positivity

    Teens can become happier by being kind to themselves and connecting with others — in person, rather than online.

  8. Brain

    Here’s why being creative is good for your brain

    Neuroarts, a new field of science, is finding that exposure to arts can improve learning, behavior and mental health.

  9. Animals

    In 2024, bird flu posed big risks ­— and to far more than birds

    Cows, elephant seals and polar bears are among unexpected bird flu casualties. Learn about potential risks to them, to people and to our food supplies.

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  10. Animals

    Can furry pets get H5N1 bird flu and spread it to us?

    The 2024 pandemic-style bird flu circulating in birds has shown up in cats and other pet species.

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  11. Genetics

    The discovery of microRNA wins the 2024 Nobel Prize in physiology

    Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun discovered tiny snippets of genetic material, called microRNAs, that play a big role in making sure cells work as they should.

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  12. Archaeology

    Scientists Say: Stone Age

    This vast, mysterious stretch of time marks the dawn of human civilizations.
