
  1. Health & Medicine

    Five things to know about ‘brain-eating’ amoebas

    These parasites can be scary, but they rarely trigger infections. Still, knowing more about them can help you avoid behaviors that heighten risks.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Identifying as a different gender

    People grappling with gender identity issues (and their families) face difficult choices. As society increasingly accepts transgender youth, more research is needed to understand how better to support them.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: How the body sculpts a child

    The human fetus is prepared to develop as a female. But if its chromosomes or other chemical signals instruct it to become male, then gene pathways will flip some chemical switches to create masculine organs and features.

  4. Math

    New math: Fail + try again = real learning

    Hands-on instruction by trial and error is gaining traction. Kids really can learn mightily from their mistakes.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Gender: When the body and brain disagree

    Researchers are working to untangle the highly complex relationship between our biology and our identity. In some individuals, a conflict can emerge, leading to a transgender identity.

  6. Brain

    Explainer: Sometimes the body mixes up male and female

    Certain medical conditions demonstrate how complicated biology can be. Being genetically male and female will not guarantee that your body won’t sometimes contain one or more features of both.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Sugar makes mice sleepy

    Sugar may amp up sleep-promoting cells in the brain, a new study in mice finds.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Pain relief could come from a ‘drugstore’ for cells

    Mice with nerve damage can be treated for pain with an injection of cells from bone marrow. Scientists have now figured out why this works.

  9. Brain

    To protect kids, get the lead out!

    Lead poisons hundreds of thousands of children. In Chicago, experts show how the toxic metal hurts test performance in school.

  10. Brain

    Smell test may detect autism

    A new study finds that kids with autism sniff foul scents for as long as pleasing ones. The finding could lead to a test to diagnose the disorder.

  11. Health & Medicine

    How this vitamin can foster pimples

    Oh no! Vitamin B12 can cause skin bacteria to secrete chemicals that cause zits.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Zoonosis

    Sometimes diseases in people come from animals. These diseases have a special name.
