
  1. Fossils

    Ritual cannibalism occurred in Stone Age England

    Stone Age human bones from a cave in England show signs of cannibalism. The people had been eaten during burial rituals nearly 15,000 years ago, experts say.

  2. Tech

    Laser vision reveals hidden worlds

    From discovering ancient ruins to forecasting climate change, the laser mapping technology called lidar is changing many fields of science.

  3. Microbes

    News Brief: Ebola’s dead stay infectious for a week

    The Ebola virus doesn’t die with its victims — at least not right away. A corpse may host live virus for up to a week after death, a new study finds.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Mystery solved: Why knuckles crack

    Scientists have puzzled over what makes that loud sound when our knuckles “crack.” Bubbles appear to play a role, but not in popping.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Hormone

    This is a chemical that travels in the blood and acts as a signal. It can tell distant body parts what to do. When a chemical acts in this way, it has a special name.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Movies may tempt teens to drink

    British 15-year-olds were more likely to binge-drink or have alcohol-related problems if they watched movies with plenty of onscreen drinking.

  7. Microbes

    New virus may have given kids polio-like symptoms

    More than 100 U.S. children developed a paralyzing illness in 2014. Genetic evidence now suggests that the most likely culprit is a new form of a virus in the polio family.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Fracking wastes may be toxic, tests show

    Fracking operations have been polluting the environment. Some wastes have hormonal effects. Studies in mice now show that prenatal exposures to these wastes can trigger subtle but disturbing organ impacts.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Secrets of slime

    Mucus—snot—can be so gross. It’s also critical for many animals, including hagfish, snails and people. Snot can rid our bodies of nasty bacteria and viruses. In other creatures, it can smooth the road or rough up predators.

  10. Humans

    Neandertals create oldest jewelry in Europe

    Adorned with all-natural signs of power: eagle claws. Holes in these claws show that Neandertals had been strung them together, like beads, as jewelry.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Stress for success

    Stress and anxiety can lead to serious mental and behavioral problems. Identifying stressors can help people cope with anxiety. Even better, viewing stress as a strength can tone down anxious feelings and boost productivity.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Chickens spread latest deadly bird flu

    A new bird flu virus threatens to spread outside of China. Experts traced the germ to markets where live chickens are sold.
