Science & Society

  1. Environment

    Rare-earth mining is dirty but key to a climate-friendlier future

    That’s spurring new research to find a steady but safer supply of these precious metals, including in the United States.

  2. Health & Medicine

    How to be heat-safe when playing sports

    Protecting young athletes from overheating is getting more important as climate change turns up the temperature.

  3. Animals

    This biologist uses microwave radiation to save endangered species

    Pei-Chih Lee works to preserve genetic material that can help researchers learn more about endangered animals, such as pandas and clouded leopards.

  4. Space

    The next astronauts to walk the moon will be more diverse than the last

    Space agencies are preparing to send the next generation of astronauts to the moon and beyond. Here’s how future crews will differ from the last.

  5. Climate

    Creating less new stuff could greatly help Earth’s climate

    Instead of throwing unneeded things away, scientists recommend moving to a cycle of reducing, reusing, repairing and remaking old things into new ones.

  6. Science & Society

    How daylight saving time throws off your internal clock

    Turning the clock ahead knocks our bodies and brains out of sync with the sun. That leads to many potential health issues.

  7. Microbes

    Bacteria give some cheeses their distinct flavors

    Linking types of bacteria to specific flavors could help cheesemakers tweak their products — or even develop new cheese flavor.

  8. Animals

    A love of small mammals drives this scientist

    Alexis Mychajliw’s science is driven by her love of animals. She now looks to tar pits and fossilized poop to understand ancient ecosystems.

  9. Tech

    Think twice before using ChatGPT for help with homework

    ChatGPT is a new AI tool that generates well-formed writing and code. Despite many benefits, it makes cheating easy and can supply bad information.

  10. Climate

    The world is aiming for ‘net zero’ emissions of greenhouse gases

    Nations are charting how they might ‘zero’ out their releases of climate-warming gases. Success might greatly lower the risks of climate catastrophes.

  11. Humans

    When it comes to dance, it’s all about the bass

    During a concert, people danced more when they were bathed in sounds that were too low for their ears to hear.

  12. Tech

    Can a robot ever become your friend?

    Social robots can teach, help and keep people company. What would it take for machines to form real friendships with people? And do we even want that?
