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4,770 results
  1. Brain

    The teenage brain

    Adolescence triggers brain — and behavioral — changes that few kids or adults understand.

  2. Brain

    Learning rewires the brain

    Brain cells actually change shape as we learn. It’s one way we cement new knowledge. And much of the action happens as we sleep.

  3. Brain

    Meditation may boost teen memory

    Teens who trained in a practice called mindfulness meditation saw improvements in their ability to remember things.

  4. Brain

    Eating disorders: The brain’s foul trickery

    Experts on eating disorders are probing why sometimes deadly chemical changes can distort how much the brain says we need to eat.

  5. Health & Medicine

    To teens, benefits are more persuasive than risks

    When potential rewards and punishments are equal, teens are more likely to make decisions based on those rewards than on concerns over any risks, a new study shows.

  6. Animals

    Even penguins get the flu

    Scientists have just identified ‘live’ bird flu virus in Antarctic penguins. But the infections may not be novel. There are some signs these germs have been infecting local wildlife for up to 80 years.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Zoonosis

    Sometimes diseases in people come from animals. These diseases have a special name.

  8. Animals

    Between a rock and a wet place

    If you're a fish that climbs waterfalls, is it better to have a squat body, or be tall and a fast swimmer?

  9. Tech

    Cool Jobs: Like Mother Nature

    Scientists observe what works best for animals, plants in efforts to build better products.

  10. Tech

    Cool Jobs: Explosive pursuits

    These researchers study things that go boom — or poof!

  11. Agriculture

    Cool Jobs: Green Science

    In parts of the Arctic, entire forests are creeping northward. Luckily, ecologist Serge Payette is hot on their trail.

  12. Physics

    Hold on to your stars, ladies and gentlemen

    Our galaxy is heavier and spinning much faster than scientists thought.
