Scientists Say

A weekly word defined, in a sentence and in context.

  1. Animals

    Scientists Say: Primate

    Primates are mammals that tend to have big brains, forward-facing vision, fingernails and flexible hands and feet.

  2. Brain

    Scientists Say: Stereoscopy

    Stereoscopy allows the brain to perceive the two 2-D images seen by the eyes as a 3-D scene.

  3. Math

    Scientists Say: Variable

    A variable is something that can be changed — such as a value in math, or a factor in an experiment.

  4. Earth

    Scientists Say: Atmosphere

    An atmosphere is an envelope of gas around a planet, dwarf planet or moon.

  5. Space

    Scientists Say: Constellation

    Constellations are clusters of related things, especially the stars that form patterns in the night sky — some of which date back to ancient times.

  6. Animals

    Scientists Say: Migration

    Migration involves the movement of animals or people from one place to another.

  7. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Inorganic

    Inorganic molecules include salts, minerals and other compounds that lack organics’ carbon-hydrogen bonds.

  8. Physics

    Scientists Say: Doppler effect

    The Doppler effect is a perceived change in the frequency of light or sound waves due to the wave source moving relative to an observer.

  9. Math

    Scientists Say: Equation

    An equation states that two groups of numbers or variables are equal to each other.

  10. Tech

    Scientists Say: Machine learning

    Machine learning allows computers to learn new skills without programmers having to write out step-by-step instructions.

  11. Life

    Scientists Say: Cellulose

    Cellulose is an abundant natural polymer found in plants and algae. It’s used to make everything from paper to clothing.

  12. Earth

    Scientists Say: Richter Scale

    The Richter scale and other magnitude measures reveal the strength of an earthquake.
