
Science News for Students articles on oceans

  1. Ecosystems

    Let’s learn about coral reefs

    Coral reefs are home to many important species. But climate change is stressing corals to the max.

  2. Environment

    Let’s learn about hurricanes

    Hurricanes are huge, terrifying storms that form over warm ocean waters — and waters are getting warming.

  3. Oceans

    Going bright may help corals recover from bleaching

    When some corals bleach, they turn neon colors. Flashy hues may be part of a response that helps these corals recover and reunite with their algae.

  4. Oceans

    Scientists Say: Tsunami

    This is a series of ocean waves triggered by an underwater earthquake or volcano. The event starts as small waves, but those waves can grow as they approach land.

  5. Animals

    When prey get scarce, these jellies become cannibals

    Invasive comb jellies may feast on their larvae if massive population booms in summer deplete their prey.

  6. Environment

    Legos could last a disturbingly long time in the ocean

    By looking at toys washed up on beaches, scientists have estimated how long it takes hard plastics to break down in the oceans. And it’s a long time.

  7. Earth

    Study appears to rule out volcanic burps as causing dino die-offs

    New data on when massive volcanic eruptions happened do not match when the dinosaur mass extinction took place.

  8. Oceans

    Healthy coral reef sounds attract fish searching for a home

    Playing the sounds of a healthy reef can help attract fish to dying corals, helping rebuild their community.

  9. Life

    Why some whales become giants and others are only big

    Being big helps whales access more food. But just how big a whale can get is influenced by whether it hunts or filter-feeds.

  10. Animals

    The moon has power over animals

    The moon is known for its tidal effects. But its light also can exert a powerful influence on animals large and small.

  11. Oceans

    Cool Job: This ecologist is studying an ocean of changes

    A young marine ecologist is studying how warming is changing the oceans and what people can do to minimize the harm.

  12. Climate

    Report sums up climate’s already dramatic impact on oceans and ice

    Melting glaciers, stronger storms and acidifying oceans are signs of climate change today, a new IPCC report says. Putting a brake on greenhouse emissions could limit how dire things get.
