
  1. Materials Science

    This plastic can be recycled over and over and over

    A new kind of plastic is fully recyclable: Unlike current plastics, it breaks down into the exact same molecules from which it was made.

  2. Physics

    Photons map the atomic scale to help medicine and more

    At a big lab outside Chicago, a gigantic beam of speedy electrons is helping researchers fight diseases, build better electronics and more.

  3. Materials Science

    Light-sensitive ‘ink’ gives 4-D printing more wiggle room

    Many 4-D-printed objects can flex and change their shape. A new “ink” and printing method now gives them greater range of motion.

  4. Oceans

    Small swimmers may play huge role in churning the seas

    Hoards of migrating shrimp and krill can cause large-scale water movements in the ocean, a new study suggests.

  5. Materials Science

    New black hair dye uses no harsh chemicals

    Scientists have developed a new black-carbon-based hair dye. Instead of using damaging chemicals to dye hair, flexible flakes of carbon coat each strand.

  6. Animals

    In a colony, king penguins act like a liquid

    Is this a living liquid? King penguins move around within their colonies, clearing out some space, and then refilling it. That behavior resembles a liquid, scientists conclude.

  7. Physics

    An ancient plant inspires a new lab tool

    Researchers have designed a lab tool that moves liquids from one place to another by mimicking a plant called a liverwort.

  8. Chemistry

    Hard-to-burn ‘smart’ wallpaper even triggers alarms

    Scientists have made wallpaper that won’t easily burn. And embedded nanowires can be linked to a sensor to sound an alarm when the paper gets too hot.

  9. Materials Science

    Light could make some hospital surfaces deadly to germs

    A new surfacing material can disinfect itself. Room lighting turns on this germ-killing property, which could make the material attractive to hospitals.

  10. Tech

    Star Wars‘ cutest droids would get stuck on the beach

    On screen, R2D2 and BB-8 travel over every type of terrain. But in real life, any sandy path would stop these droids short.

  11. Tech

    This power source is shockingly eel-like

    The electric eel’s powerful electric charge inspired this new squishy, water-based new approach to generating power.

  12. Life

    These fish have truly flashing eyes

    A reef fish can send flashes of light from its eyes. This trick might help the fish track its prey.
