
  1. Physics

    A powerful laser can control the paths that lightning takes

    In a mountaintop experiment, a laser beamed at the sky created a virtual lightning rod that snagged several bolts.

  2. Tech

    Think of this new tech as sunglasses for our windows

    Keeping buildings cool can use a lot of energy. Thanks to quantum computing, engineers designed a coating to cut the warming light that enters windows.

  3. Space

    Spacecraft traveling through a wormhole could send messages home

    A probe going through a wormhole should be able to send messages home before such a tunnel forever closes, a new computer model finds.

  4. Materials Science

    Let’s learn about piezoelectric materials

    Piezoelectric materials turn mechanical energy into electrical energy — and vice versa.

  5. Computing

    A single chip like this could transmit a world’s worth of data

    The internet has a big environmental footprint. But this new type of tech could help reduce the climate impact of computing.

  6. Materials Science

    Analyze This: Algae behind blue-glowing waves light up a new device

    Some algae glow blue when they experience forces. Held in transparent plastic, they now make devices light up in response to gentle pushes and tugs.

  7. Physics

    In a breakthrough experiment, fusion gave off more energy than it used

    The sun creates energy through nuclear fusion. Now scientists have too. This achievement raises hopes for developing a new type of clean energy.

  8. Materials Science

    Let’s learn about the weird science of ice

    Better understanding of ice could lead to new deicing materials or even, someday, weather control.

  9. Physics

    Explainer: Kinetic and potential energy

    Kinetic energy depends on an object’s motion; potential energy hinges on its position. The relationship between the two sits in a special balance.

  10. Physics

    Does the size of a parachute matter?

    How does a parachute work? Do bigger parachutes work better than smaller parachutes? Find out in this science project whether the size of the parachute matters.

  11. Tech

    New robot can pick up a single drop of liquid

    The new device, which looks like a pair of plastic pinchers, is the first to be able to pick up individual droplets of liquid.

  12. Materials Science

    Scientists Say: Hydrogel

    Tangled polymer chains help hydrogels hold their shape despite being full of water.
