
  1. Ecosystems

    America’s duck lands: These ‘potholes’ are under threat

    North America’s prairies are in trouble. Scientists race against the clock for clues about how to save the plants — and animals — that call it home.

  2. Environment

    Cleaning up water that bees like to drink

    Plant roots suck up pesticides used on soils, then release them into water that can seep from their leaves. This is a sweetened water that bees love to sip. A teen figured out how to remove most of the pesticide with bits of charcoal.

  3. Tech

    Wired and weird: Meet the cyborg plants

    By mixing electronics with greenery, engineers have made plants that conduct electricity, detect bombs and send email.

  4. Animals

    Under blanket of ice, lakes teem with life

    Life under frozen lakes is vibrant, complex and surprisingly active, new research finds. In fact, some plants and animals can only live under the ice. But with climate change, will that continue?

  5. Plants

    Warm petals may attract chilly bees

    Dark-purple violet petals are warmer than a light-purple variant. And and that warmth might explain their attraction to potentially chilly bees.

  6. Agriculture

    Bananas under attack: Understanding their foes

    Fungal blights threaten the world’s most popular fruit. But genetic studies hint at new ways to combat some of these diseases.

  7. Ecosystems

    Earthworms: Can these gardeners’ friends actually become foes?

    Asian jumping worms can strip leaf litter from floor of U.S. forests, new data show. Many native plants need that leaf litter for their seeds to germinate.

  8. Plants

    Scientists Say: Bromeliad

    Bromeliads are plants with long spiky leaves. They are common houseplants, and we even see one in the grocery store — the pineapple.

  9. Plants

    Houseplants suck up air pollutants that can sicken people

    Certain indoor air pollutants can sicken people. But some houseplants can remove those chemicals from a room’s air, new data show.

  10. Plants

    Scientists Say: Chlorophyll

    Plants can make energy out of sunlight, all thanks to a pigment called chlorophyll.

  11. Agriculture

    Sneaky! Virus sickens plants, but helps them multiply

    The cucumber mosaic virus helps tomato plants lure pollinators. When the plants multiply, the virus now gets new hosts.

  12. Plants

    Young sunflowers keep time

    The plants don’t just use light to follow the sun. An internal clock helps their stems bend as the sun moves across the sky.
