
  1. Life

    Plants, animals adapt to city living

    Cities have turned into experiments in evolution for both plants and animals, from the taste of clover to the stickiness of lizards’ toes.

  2. Plants

    Climate closing the gender gap for this mountain flower

    Among valerian plants, males like it hotter than the females do. So a warming climate has been speeding their migration up once-cool mountainsides.

  3. Fossils

    Identifying ancient trees from their amber

    A Swedish teen’s analyses of a sample of amber may have uncovered a previously unknown type of ancient tree.

  4. Plants

    New species of terrifying tomato appears to bleed

    A new species of Australian bush tomato bleeds when injured and turns bony in old age.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Common plant could help fight Zika virus

    A teen discovered that extracts from leaves of the San Francisco plant (Codiaeum variegatum) kill larvae of the mosquito that helps spread the Zika and dengue fever viruses.

  6. Health & Medicine

    The cool science of hot peppers

    Why are chili peppers spicy? Why does anyone crave food that burns? Uncovering this fiery veggie’s secrets could help fight pain and obesity.

  7. Animals

    Pollen can become bee ‘junk food’ as CO2 rises

    Increasing levels of the greenhouse gas are changing diminishing the food value of pollen, bees’ only source of protein.

  8. Animals

    Spiders eat insects — and sometimes veggies

    Plant-eating spiders have been found on every continent except Antarctica, a new study notes.

  9. Plants

    Less brilliant flowers still keep bees coming back

    Bumblebees prefer petals that aren’t overly shimmery. This suggests plants are attuned to what insects see.

  10. Plants

    Explainer: Some supplements may not have what it takes

    Dietary supplements made from plants may not contain all of the chemicals that usually make a particular plant healthy for humans.

  11. Plants

    Before eating, Venus flytraps must ‘count’

    Researchers find that Venus flytraps respond to the number of times insects touch their sensory hairs. This tells them when it’s time to turn on digestion.

  12. Plants

    Banana threat: Attack of the clones

    Researchers find that disease-causing fungi — all clones of one another — will continue to infect banana plants unless new steps are taken to stop their spread.
