Let’s learn about the science of language
The languages we speak may help shape how we see, smell and hear the world around us

More than 7,000 languages are spoken around the world today, shaping how we describe and perceive the world around us.
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Hello! Hola! Habari! Nǐ hǎo!
English, Spanish, Swahili and Chinese are just a few of the more than 7,000 languages spoken around the world today. This broad array of languages has evolved over the course of human history as groups of people have split apart and moved around. All languages help people communicate their experiences. But the specific language, or languages, that a person speaks may also shape how they experience the world.
For instance, an English speaker may think of the sea and sky as being the same color: blue. But in Russian, there are different words for the light blue of the sky and dark blue of the ocean. Those colors are as distinct in Russian as pink and red are in English.
Meanwhile, people who speak Mandarin Chinese seem to be better than English speakers at perceiving pitch. That may be because pitch helps give words their meaning in Mandarin. As a result, people who speak that language are more attuned to that feature of sound.
New brain scans show that people’s native languages may even shape how their brain cells are wired together. Other scans have hinted at which parts of the brain respond to different words. Still others have revealed which parts of the brain handle language in kids versus adults.
Young kids were long thought to have the best chance of learning a new language. But recent research suggests that even older teens can pick up new languages well. So, if you’re interested in expanding your linguistic toolkit, go for it! A new language may just offer you new ways to see the world.

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