Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

More Stories in Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

  1. Genetics

    A protein in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease

    That protein stopped the disease-causing bacterium from growing in lab dishes or infecting mice.

  2. Tech

    Bioelectronics research wins top award at 2024 Regeneron ISEF

    Three grand-award winners each took home at least $50,000. Hundreds more teens shared more than $9 million in prizes at the international competition.

  3. Animals

    Surprise! These animals can help fight climate change

    Some animals help fight climate change by boosting the amount of carbon dioxide that plants, algae and bacteria absorb from the atmosphere.

  4. Environment

    To limit pollution, new recipe makes plastic a treat for microbes

    Microplastics made from fossil fuels take centuries to disappear. But the plant- and algae-based plastic can break down in weeks to months.

  5. Health & Medicine

    With measles outbreaks in 49 countries, should you worry?

    By March, the United States had more measles cases than in all of 2023. It was part of a global trend. The way to halt measles’ spread: vaccinations.

  6. Archaeology

    A tattoo experiment hints at how Ötzi the Iceman got his ink

    The findings challenge a common idea about how the mummified man got marked with dark lines.

  7. Animals

    Dancing spiders inspired this biologist to teach others

    Inspired by his research in animal communication, Echeverri began exploring ways to teach others about science while finishing his Ph.D. Today, he shares his passion for spiders as a science communicator.

  8. Chemistry

    Air pollution can make it harder for pollinators to find flowers

    Pollutants that build up in night air can break down the scents that attract pollinating hawkmoths to primrose blooms, disrupting their pollination.

  9. Animals

    Among mammals, males aren’t usually bigger than females

    In a study of more than 400 mammal species, less than half have males that are heavier than females.
