Engineering Design

  1. Space

    Some of the sun’s iconic coronal loops may be ghostly illusions

    Wrinkles in the sun’s outer atmosphere might trick the eye into seeing glowing arches, scientists now report.

  2. Animals

    Here’s why cricket farmers may want to go green — literally

    Crickets are great sources of protein, but they often kill each other in captivity. Green light could help solve the problem, two teens find.

  3. Tech

    Teen-designed tech could expand access for people with disabilities

    Several inventors at the 2022 Regeneron ISEF competition offered creative solutions that translate sign language and help blind people navigate.

  4. Chemistry

    Reusable plastic bottles release hundreds of pollutants into water

    Data show the plastic ends up tainting drinking water. For now, scientists don’t know what health risks downing these pollutants might pose.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Patches and robotic pills may one day replace injections

    Instead of a shot in the arm, a light-activated patch or robotic pill may one day deliver your medicine.

  6. Space

    We finally have an image of the black hole at the heart of our galaxy

    New observations from the Event Horizon Telescope reveal the chaotic region around the Milky Way’s central black hole, Sagittarius A*, in extreme detail.

  7. Environment

    Bubbles could help remove trash from rivers

    One young engineer devised a way to make bubbles sweep away the trash floating down a creek, like the one in her backyard.

  8. Plants

    Electric shocks act like vaccines to protect plants from viruses

    To protect crops against viruses in their home country of Taiwan, two teens invented a novel approach to fight blights.

  9. Chemistry

    Let’s learn about cellulose

    The world’s most abundant natural polymer is finding all kinds of new uses, in everything from ice cream to construction.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Like bloodhounds, worms are sniffing out human cancers

    Scents emitted by diseased cells may usher in a new era of safe, low-cost screening tests for cancer and other illnesses.

  11. Tech

    Smartphones can now bring Ice Age animals back to ‘life’

    Scientists bring Ice Age creatures to life with augmented reality. You can view these creatures in your own world on a smartphone.

  12. Chemistry

    Cellulose may keep ice cream from turning gritty in your freezer

    Adding nanocrystals extracted from wood avoids the growth of ice crystals, keeping your treat smooth and creamy.
