From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

  1. Brain

    ‘Lucid’ dreamers could solve mysteries about sleeping minds

    People who know they’re asleep while dreaming could help study how sleeping minds create elaborate alternate realities.

  2. Tech

    Talking through a tube can trick AI into mistaking one voice for another

    Researchers crafted tubes that can trick AI into mistaking one person’s voice for another’s. Bad guys could use such tricks to hack into accounts.

  3. Life

    Scientists Say: Mycelium

    These fibrous networks are the reason plants think fungi are such "fun guys.”

  4. Health & Medicine

    High blood pressure can affect kids but often goes undiagnosed

    Left untreated, it can lead to lasting problems, even in kids who appear otherwise healthy. Learn the signs and what to do.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: High blood pressure stresses the heart and blood vessels

    Because it can be dangerous, doctors should regularly screen for it even in young kids and teens — but often don’t.

  6. Psychology

    Scientists Say: Neurodivergent

    This often-misunderstood word describes someone whose brain works a little differently from most.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Stem cells can help build lab-grown organs that mimic real life

    Making such organoids with 3-D printing and other tech can help researchers learn more about many troubling and potentially deadly disorders.

  8. Tech

    High-tech solar ‘leaves’ create green fuels from the sun

    Chemists make a liquid alternative to fossil fuels from carbon dioxide, water and the sun. Their trick? They use a new type of artificial leaf.

  9. Tech

    Horses are inspiring this roboticist to build trustworthy robots

    Computer scientist Eakta Jain is looking at human-horse interactions for ideas about how to design robots that work well with people.

  10. Oceans

    How would a mermaid sound underwater?

    Human ears don’t work well in the water. A mermaid would need marine creature features to talk to and understand her aquatic friends.

  11. Animals

    Explainer: What is metamorphosis?

    Insects, amphibians and some fish undergo metamorphosis. But they’re not the only ones.

  12. Animals

    Scientists Say: Coral

    Over 4,000 species of fish make their home among the reefs created by these colony-dwelling marine animals.
