From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

  1. Animals

    This biologist uses microwave radiation to save endangered species

    Pei-Chih Lee works to preserve genetic material that can help researchers learn more about endangered animals, such as pandas and clouded leopards.

  2. Environment

    Sea life may suffer as plastic bits alter metals in water

    This interplay between plastics and metals could affect how each affects the environment — and suggests opportunities for controlling their risks.

  3. Animals

    Let’s learn about frogs

    Frogs are a fascinating bunch of amphibians. Unfortunately, they’re also dying off in huge numbers.

  4. These lemurs take nose-picking to a new level

    A nose-picking aye-aye’s spindly middle digit probably pokes all the way into the back of the throat, CT scans show.

  5. Agriculture

    Native Amazonians make rich soils — and ancient people may have too

    Modern Amazonians make nutrient-rich soil from ash, food scraps and burns. The soil strongly resembles ancient “dark earth” found in the region.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Kidney

    The kidneys remove waste and excess water from the blood, forming urine.

  7. Animals

    When it’s hot, echidnas blow snot bubbles to cool off

    These spiky Australian mammals have a trick to moisten their noses, allowing them to survive hot temperatures that should kill them.

  8. Brain

    Scientists Say: Anxiety

    Some nervousness, or anxiety, is normal. Too much can be harmful.

  9. Health & Medicine

    New brain scans may show if a concussion has not yet healed

    Concussions change certain brain waves, and delta waves may be the best signs of when teens can return to competitive sports.

  10. Materials Science

    Analyze This: Algae behind blue-glowing waves light up a new device

    Some algae glow blue when they experience forces. Held in transparent plastic, they now make devices light up in response to gentle pushes and tugs.

  11. Microbes

    Bacteria give some cheeses their distinct flavors

    Linking types of bacteria to specific flavors could help cheesemakers tweak their products — or even develop new cheese flavor.

  12. Animals

    How can Baby Yoda be 50 years old?

    Animals with wings, big bodies or other protections from predators are more likely to evolve long lifespans.
