
  1. Archaeology

    Analyze This: Stonehenge’s ‘Altar Stone’ has mysterious origins

    After a century of searching for the source of the Altar Stone, scientists have yet to figure out where ancient people got the rock.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Calorie

    These little units help us measure energy transfer in chemistry, nutrition and beyond.

  3. Chemistry

    Pollution power? A new device turns carbon dioxide into fuel

    Scientists made a device that converts the greenhouse gas into formate. This salt can then run a fuel cell to make electricity.

  4. Environment

    New ultrathin materials can pull climate-warming CO2 from the air

    To slow global warming, we’ll need help from CO2-trapping materials. Enter MXenes. They’re strong and reactive — and they love to eat up CO2.

  5. Tech

    Particles from tree waste could prevent fogged lenses, windshields

    A new coating made from a renewable resource — water-loving nanoparticles made from wood — could keep glass surfaces fog-free.

  6. Plants

    Young corn leaves can ‘smell’ danger

    As they mature, these leaves lose their ability to detect threatening scents.

  7. Climate

    Hydrogen energy could help our climate — depending on its source

    Hydrogen energy doesn’t emit greenhouse gases when it’s used. But how it’s produced will affect how useful it can be in slowing climate change.

  8. Tech

    Explainer: The hydrogen rainbow

    Hydrogen works the same, regardless of its source. But how clean or “green” it is very much hinges on its color-coded name — which points to how it was made.

  9. Tech

    Engineers cook up a new way to tackle CO2: Make baking soda

    Engineers have found a material that can collect carbon dioxide from the air. When later mixed with water, it forms baking soda that can be shed in the sea.

  10. Chemistry

    Scientists turn plastic wastes into soap

    Chemists developed a way to turn plastic waste into surfactants. Those chemicals could one day become key recruits in a greener war on grime.

  11. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Lignin

    This rigid polymer transports water and gives trees their strength.

  12. Environment

    Ultrasound waves can help remove polluting microplastics in water

    The innovative process concentrates microplastics within a flowing liquid. A two-step process then removes the potentially toxic bits.
