
  1. Agriculture

    Healthy soils are life-giving black gold

    Scientists explain why everyone needs to value the soils beneath our feet — and why we should not view them as dirt.

  2. Agriculture

    Soil (and its inhabitants) by the numbers

    Teeming with life, soils have more going on than most of us realize.

  3. Animals

    Choked by bacteria, some starfish are turning to goo

    For years, researchers thought gooey, dying starfish were infected. Instead, these sea stars are suffocating. And bacteria may be behind it all.

  4. Animals

    Scientists Say: Organelle

    An organelle is a part of a cell with a particular function. Like organs. But for cells.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Apoptosis

    When it’s time for cells to die, they need to do it carefully, so they don’t harm other cells.

  6. Microbes

    Scientists Say: Nucleus

    Nucleus comes from the Latin term “nuc,” meaning nut or kernel. In science there are lots of nuclei. Every one of them is the center of something.

  7. Environment

    Polluting microplastics harm both animals and ecosystems

    Researchers are beginning to uncover the real-world impacts of polluting microplastic bits on animals and the ecosystems they inhabit.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Trio wins 2020 Nobel for discovery of hepatitis C

    It took 50 years from discovery of hepatitis C to its cure. For their pivotal work in this area, three men will take home a 2020 Nobel Prize.

  9. Life

    If bacteria stick together, they can survive for years in space

    Tiny clumps of bacteria can survive at least three years in outer space. This raises the prospect of interplanetary travel by microbial life.

  10. Chemistry

    Stinky success: Scientists identify the chemistry of B.O.

    They turned up the enzyme in bacteria behind that underarm stench. Understanding how it works could pave the way to new types of deodorant.

  11. Microbes

    Some deep-seafloor microbes still alive after 100 million years!

    Some starving microbes nap while awaiting their next meal. For some living miles below the ocean surface, that nap may exceed 100 million years.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: What are Antibodies?

    Antibodies are one of the major players in the immune system’s attack against germs. Learn what they are, what they do and how they keep us healthy.
