
Use mathematical representations to support and revise explanations based on evidence about factors affecting biodiversity and populations in ecosystems of different scales.

  1. Life

    Caught in the act

    Scientists observe some evolutionary speed demons as they adapt over the course of just a few years to new environmental conditions.

  2. Animals

    Explainer: Animals’ role in human disease

    Wildlife, livestock and pets are the source of most germs that can sicken people

  3. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: What should I know about HIV and AIDS?

    Here are some common myths and some less common facts.

  4. Animals

    Explainer: People can sicken animals

    Wildlife can sometimes become infected with germs shed by people.

  5. Chemistry

    A plant enemy’s enemy

    Plants use chemicals to recruit help in fighting off pests.

  6. Animals

    An enemy in the cave

    Bats under attack from a fungus send scientists searching for clues to solve a deadly mystery.

  7. Oceans

    Sea changes

    Carbon dioxide is making the oceans more acidic.

  8. Environment

    Floor of Gulf got slimed

    Oil from BP spill was likely dragged down by bacterial goo.

  9. Climate

    Arctic algae show climate change

    Sediment from Arctic lakes shows that much of the Northern Hemisphere has been warming for many decades.

  10. Environment

    Alien invasions

    Around the world, plants, animals, fungi, and other life forms are ending up in places where they don't belong.

  11. Environment

    A vulture’s hidden enemy

    Vultures may be getting a deadly dose of medicine from the carcasses they feed upon.

  12. Animals

    A hangout for elusive blue whales

    Scientists have now found a place off southern Chile where blue whales gather.
