
Use mathematical representations to support explanations of how natural selection may lead to increases and decreases of specific traits in populations over time.

  1. Animals

    Some young fruit flies’ eyeballs literally pop out of their heads

    The first published photo shoot of developing Pelmatops flies shows how their eyes rise on gangly stalks in the first hour of adulthood.

  2. Animals

    Cougars pushed out by wildfires took more risks around roads

    After an intense burn in 2018 in California, big cats in the region crossed roads more often. That put them at higher risk of becoming roadkill.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Should we use a genetic weapon against mosquitoes carrying malaria?

    One gene drive to eliminate malaria seems to work in the lab. Now it’s time to ask local people if they want it released in the wild.

  4. Animals

    Sea creatures’ fishy scent protects them from deep-sea high pressures  

    TMAO’s water-wrangling ability protects a critter’s critical proteins — including muscle — from crushing under deep ocean pressures.

  5. Animals

    Some ecologists value parasites — and now want a plan to save them

    Parasites get a bad rap as disease-causing, unwelcome guests on other organisms. But parasites are also imperiled, and scientists don’t want to lose them.

  6. Animals

    How boa constrictors squeeze their prey without strangling themselves

    Tracking boas’ ribs in X-ray videos revealed the snakes’ squeezing secrets. It’s the latest Wild Things cartoon from Science News Explores.

  7. Fossils

    Ancient ‘ManBearPig’ mammal lived fast — and died young

    Developing in the womb for a while — but being born ready to take on the world — may have helped post-dinosaur mammals rise to dominance.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Dogs and other animals could aid the spread of monkeypox

    Now that monkeypox has spread to a dog, researchers fear other species could help the virus become widespread outside of Africa for the first time.

  9. Plants

    This pitcher plant lures insects into underground deathtraps

    Scientists didn’t expect the carnivorous, eggplant-shaped pitchers to be sturdy enough to grow embedded in the soil.

  10. Animals

    Butterfly ‘tails’ might be part of an escape tactic

    Slender, tail-like extensions on their wings may help some butterflies survive attacks by hungry predators.

  11. Tech

    Virtual critters evolve bodies that help them learn

    A combination of evolution and learning may lead to more intelligent and agile robots.

  12. Humans

    Scientists Say: Denisovan

    The Denisovans were a recently discovered population of ancient hominids.
